ard1pras February 8, 2013March 21, 2013 Week Two Self Empowerment for Woman Prisoner & Gender Based Violence In Support of One Billion Rising V-Day Movement at Lapas Wirogunan Jogjakarta Facilitators was opening the program with full of joy. Start the Day with JOY Based on the preliminary data gathered by the Self Empowerment team, severed goals decided by women prisoners are identified as follows: be a better and improve person, educate their children with care and love, being a lovely wife and a good parents for their kids, to trust their couple and develop ability to share one each others Relaxation as a part of the basic material on women self empowerment program Today’s self empowerment technique is the emotion culturing, aiming to empower yourself through culturing your mental emotional layer of consciousness to gain inner peace Games time!!!Develop your own creative vision, as a tools reaching out total success Sing together, be joyful and share your joy with others